Spreading the Love…my way

Purple Passion

juli 9th, 2013

I rediscovered a beautiful picture of Beloved the other day and i lost myself into his eyes. Wondering what it would be like to see the world as Michael would see it… This is what i wrote… ( and thank you Charlotte for giving my painting a name 😉 )

Every time i see this picture of you, i can’t help but wonder:

What do you see?

A world in trouble, people in misery?

Do you see the hate, and  the destruction

of God’s beautiful creation?

People crying, people dying.

Do you see the devastation?

Every time i see this picture of you, i can’t help but wonder:

What do you see?

The time to come, with people living in unity?

That wonderful time that we will know and live the truth;

The answer is Love!

The end of crying, the end of dying.

The time we all know we’re blessed from above?

Every time i see this picture of you, this is what i see:

Determination to make this world a better place for you and for me.

You let me gaze into a future bright and clear,

where we live as ONE, no more fear.

You help me to keep the faith;

in knowing that paradise is a place we can create.

Finding Neverland inside, you help me to believe we all can

‘Second star to the right and straight on till morning.’ says Peter Pan

‘Thank you Michael, for everything you do.

You make this world a better place, i love You!’


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